Do you know DZone’s Refcards?

I am sure you have heard of DZone ( – one of the go-to article platforms in the software engineering world (I know I know…it is not only software engineering, there is DevOps, methodology, and and and…). The articles and posts are of stunning quality (and quantity) and are a great read most of the times.

But do you know about the reference cards (in DZone speak: Refcardz)?

A very good colleague of mine told me about the refcards a few days ago for the first time. Refcards provide an awesome first look at a specific topic without diving too deep into it – compressed into 5 – 15 beautifully crafted PDF pages. They give you a great overview and simply enable you to just start working and/or playing around with a certain technology or methodology.

Your last Scrum experience is already a few months back and you forgot about these important time-box values for the Scrum artefacts? Check out the Scrum Refcard. You are taking over a project which was built on top of the Play framework with Scala? Go take a peek at the Scala Refcard – hell, why not directly take a look at the Play framework refcard?

The image below shows an excerpt from the Scrum refcard. Why am I showing you this image? To show you that these documents are a thing of real beauty.

Excerpt from DZone's Scrum refcard
Excerpt from DZone’s Scrum refcard

This also makes them ideal (and fun) to scroll through on your tablet of choice (or to print them out if you feel less obliged to save ink and some sheets of paper).

To gain access to the awesome collection of refcards, you must be a registered user (and logged in of course) at DZone. Go ahead and sign up if you haven’t already – it is definitely worth it!

Hello World!

Let’s keep it short. This is my blog. I will usually write about programming related stuff with the intention of sharing interesting things I am encountering during work days and hobby evenings.

If this reaches just one person, it is already worth the effort.

Cheers and enjoy!